Originally Posted by helix139
Headsets aren't hanging up, Voice command is having all kinds of problems, redialing isn't working, etc. There are numerous threads on this and if the Widcomm stack works fine for you, then great, but there are a great many of us who are VERY dissatisfied with it.
If Widcomm works for you, then fine. No need for you to post in this thread. Not to be a jerk, but this thread is for contributions to the bounty for those who want the option of using the MS stack only.
I thought I would chime in and at least help on the widcomm end call issue. I found a real working solution for headsets not hanging up. You have to disable internet being always on. You can use hd or diamond tweak to do this. I would not use advanced config as it causes a lag in answering the phone. I have cooked quite a few roms and can confirm this does work. I stumbled across this fix when I went to hang up the phone, quite a few times I would get a could not connect #777. So if you set your connection to disconnect after 10 minutes and then soft reset the phone. You will no longer have end call lag.
Another post by apristel's Avatar
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...73&postcount=1 is to go into this registry key and change it. I have had it at 0 and at 1000 and see no difference. But I thought I would add this to my post.
Registry Edit:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\PHONE\PhoneExtendS etting]
1000 = 1 second
If this helps your end call lag, which it will, please give me a thanks.
Two Evo's 3D's Running CleanROM 1.2 -8/12/11
BaseBand | PRI 1.16_003 | PRL 21080 |HWv002
If I helped you, please hit the