Originally Posted by mathiass
I feel ya man. I've loved weather every since I was a little kid. I just love how dynamic and powerful Mother Nature can be. As for the internet speeds, it wasn't so bad on rev. 0 with the BB, so if Rev. A is even better than verizon's for the most part that's good!
Thanks! That'd be great. It's supposed to come either today or tomorrow, but when I asked for a tracking #, my sprint rep said he was having trouble finding the order, so I might not get it until the weekend or even *gasp* next week! I cannot wait any longer the suspense is killin me!
And to think I was |----| this close to getting the Hero....
Haha you should've seen when the TP2 first came out. There's a whole 1000 post thread on people who had no clue when thier TP2 would arrive. I want to give storm chasing a try this spring. I'm already ahead of the game as I seen two tornadoes already('98 and '02) in Pittsburgh of all places. It's literally like the finger of God.