Thank you all for your replies, after reading them you convinced me to keep the Imagio, however....
Yesterday I spoke to cmonex in IRC about HSPL for the whitestone, and although she did confirm that it was coming, she told me that she had not really started on it. I just don't think I can wait that much longer, so today I ordered a TP2.
By all means, I loved the Imagio, but waiting for the HSPL, plus the problem I had with the housing cracking on the edge of the screen, just pushed me over the edge to the touch pro.
Heres what Cmonex said.
digi`laptop: I hate to bother you with a pm, but I was wondering if I could get an update on the Whitestone hspl? I'm not asking for a release date or anything like that, just some loose idea of how its going
15,13 08:42 cmonex: no update yet, didnt get to starting on it much yet. i got the needed dumps from someone's device though
15,13 08:50 cmonex: I'll have time for it soon, so no worries!
15,13 08:51 digi`laptop: oh yeah, please dont think i was trying to rush you or anything, i totally appreciate what you do
15,13 08:51 digi`laptop: I'll admit, I have been getting anxious for it, but I'll live :P
15,13 08:52 cmonex: no worries
15,13 08:52 digi`laptop: thank you <3