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Old 11-11-2009, 05:27 PM
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Re: CFay 6.5 Rom! CEOS 5.2.21324 ! Windows Mobile 6.5! 1.54 FINAL Uploaded with Fixes

Originally Posted by TheTouch View Post
CFay.. is there anyway thet you (or anyone on this reading this message) would be willing to post a simple & easy step-by-step instructions as to how someone not so much tech-savvy (like me) can upgrade the Treo Pro to WM 6.5. I did search many posts and threads but my pronlem is which method is the right one, and which version is the right one with less bugs & errors. Any help would be definitely so apprecaited!!
First, if your device is a CDMA device, you need the hardspl found in this thread:

Once you have that done, come back and ask for more help for installing a rom.
Device: 3VO
Case: Platinum 2 in 1 Covert with holster
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