Re: SMS Vibration Duration
Originally Posted by cnygaard
I did a few searches, but the registry keys I was coming up with (the one in HKEY USER/ControlPanels/Sounds/SMS) aren't showing for me in PHM RegEdit on the TP2. Is there anyway to change how long the vibration duration is for new SMS messages (i am using the sound and vibrate option) on the TP2? I am running the MightyRom RhodiumW edition currently. Thanks for your help and sorry if this has been discussed before. My post count makes me look like a noob but i read this site regularly. not one of "those guys" haha
You can try these, I use VAlert and really like it.
Attachment 48157
Attachment 48158
If I've helped you Please hit the thanks button Donations gladly accepted Nothing but thanks expected
Last edited by Pegasus"143"; 11-23-2009 at 04:48 PM.