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Old 11-11-2009, 02:59 PM
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Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)

Originally Posted by Musicman247 View Post
...stylus top broke...
Same happened to mine. Began using the spare that came in the box with new Vogue. Couple of months later, same break. Guess there's a weak spot and/or I put too much pressure? Anyway, bought an inexpensive ($2/stylus) 3-pack. They turned out to be ever so slightly fatter in diameter, and didn't feel right when removing from and replacing into storage in Vogue. I ended up building a hybrid stylus, mating the plastic end cap from one of the new 3-pack, with busted original, which had to be carefully drilled out to remove leftover plastic. Then, instead of just screwing the new top in, I gave it some support by wrapping the thin area where others had broken, using a tiny piece of, ah-hem, duct tape. It's worked fairly well ever since, for over a year now. Cheap 3-pack is here:
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