Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 1.5; en-us; A6277 Build/CUPCAKE) AppleWebKit/528.5+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.2 Mobile Safari/525.20.1)
Originally Posted by relisted
Originally Posted by quiqnezz
It's part of a recovery/bootloader for the rooted hero. You'll see alot of peeps mention "Load the recovery image" onto your hero. Well that's the last step you wanna do after you root your phone. Then when you power up while holding down the home key you'll have access to it. In there you'll have the option to create a "nandroid" backup of your phone. Basically a FULL back up of your ROM. So if you ever need to restore, it'll put everything back to exactly how it was when you create the backup.
Don't worry about non of that busybox stuff. All you need is the recovery image flashed onto your phone and that's it. There's a pic floating around on what it looks like. I posted it on here or XDA I think too.
when i hold the home key while powering up i get a ! inside a triangle with a phone next to it...??
You haven't gotten the recovery image loaded! Check my Sig and my tips tricks thread. Look at rooting hero at top and choose the link I wrote its from ppcgeeks and its the second link. Follow exactly and u should get it on there.