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Old 11-29-2007, 03:04 AM
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Originally Posted by hi-tech View Post
Update, original posted I had no issues, however, lately my messaging app stopped opening. Last time this happened I had to hard-reset. This time changed the "store attachments to memory card" setting back to main memory. Messaging now works.

This is the only issue I now have with the mem card, and seems to be more related to the method attachments are stored on the card, opposed to the card itself since I dont have any of the issues other members are having. Card works normal otherwise with majority of 3rd party programs installed on the card.
I've run into this problem twice now. Like you, I did a hard reset the first time.

It happened again today... I did a soft reset because I couldn't get Messaging to come up. Once reset, Voice Command complained that it wasn't able to load. After dismissing that error, I tried to bring up Messaging and it wouldn't launch. This was the same behavior that I encountered the first time around too!

Well, I took a nap, remembered seeing something about the memory card corruption issue, came back and deleted the Outlook folder that had been created on the card (again, like you, I had the "store attachment" pref set to the card.) Did another soft reset and now it's all working again!

I'm not sure if it was outlook (I have 3 accounts, imap, exchange, and sms), Egress (my RSS aggrigator), or something else that caused the corruption. But something seems fishy as I used this card on my Mogul for months without any problem and this is the second time in as many weeks that the Touch has had corruption.