Originally Posted by tkedch
If you're trying showcase,let us know how it goes. One thing that bothers me is that I don't know which active programs are running. sure the top left start button will show me but i'll have to tip toe my finger nail just to get it to come out. either way, this version has worked better than all the previous 6.5.1 plus 2.5. 
Long press the bottom right X/Send Key/or (one other I found but cant remember and I'm updating My Phone right now) to bring up the Task Manager to look at running programs if you dont want to Tap Dance with your fingernail

I'll edit this post with the third option after my update.
EDIT:Long press X works but its a LONG Tap and Hold-like 5 seconds, less than ideal IMO, long presss Send is better. Tapping the clock in the upper right hand corner-very quickly- brings up Task Manager for me with that OTHER menu bar over it, touch the screen and it closes out to the home screen. Give it a "real tap" and it just closes to the home screen.
Strange since you can see the running program list but can act on it since touching the screen closes it? Going to take some getting used to. I'm digging the "hidden menu".
EDIT2:I was testing with Google Maps fwiw