Originally Posted by mdsevol
Ok guys, I am running the latest 21864 M2.5 and when I flashed it earlier today everything was working perfect so I started my attack with my .cabs and perfected it as I have done several times over the last week with all these new ROMs lol. MY PROBLEM is that I unknowingly hit the Update PRI button on setting and now my DATA is out, I am continuously getting a Error Code: 67. Any suggestions please. I installed Sprint Update PRL and Profile cab and neither of them will run obviously because the DATA is out. Someone please offer some advice.
There is something wrong with your login information in NVRAM.
I suggest you install the Sprint 2.01.651.6 MR update available here:
That should blast in the proper PRI and PRL. If it doesn't work after that try doing the EPST reset then Update Profile from System->Connections.