Re: Verizon Users Getting Stuck in 1X --- PLEASE READ!
I was informed that you may make an effort that is plaguing many Imagio and TP2 users. I have been round and round with HTC and Verizon and no one seems to want to really look at this problem. There is lots of finger pointing but no one is helping the consumer. Why this person from HTC went on about my Wi-Fi, I'm not certain. I only mentioned that my wi-fi is one bar in my house when all my other devices in the same room are 3-4 bars.
I have a business blackberry and I never get stuck in a 1X signal... Many peopole are so frustrated in trying to get an answer that they are trouble shooting the devices themselfs. I have a replacement device now that I just put on line yesterday..Im not sure if it will stick... Other have done 3 replacements and they have all stuck.
Level 2 support at Verizon has been actually rude to me. I mean I call and I feel like I'm bothering someone. They talk like I'm crazy and I'm the only person with this issue. I have asked for a blackberry storm 2 and the won't budge. Instead they tell me I'm suppose to use a device as it is and there nothing they can do about it. Now I'm getting a refurbed phone to replace my brand new phone...That doesn't seem right to me. How would they feel?
Anyhow, any help you can give us would be great,,,,
Thank You