MMS Manila Messaging TRIAL (1.43)
This installs the new HTC Messaging Client (1.43), along with the proper MMS settings. Try it, and see how it goes. It's probably best off of a hard reset. Use the latest ROM release too. Post how it goes, and post which version you are using. Also, try playing around with the settings, just in case.
Verizon - DOWNLOAD
Not Sufficient Permissions? You can't install the MMS M2.5 Fix while the current Messaging Client is running. Try it after a fresh soft reset, and it should work.
Originally Posted by PrsnlCrcl
I just received my Verizon Touch Pro 2 today, unlocked it, and put the 21864 ROM on it. I absolutely love it so far, but I noticed that when I try to type a ',' with the keyboard, it takes me to my SMS messages. Is there a configuration somewhere that I can change this? Thanks.
Ok, realize that the following is due to what some people were saying, so it's kind of an inside joke....
Awww I'm soo sorry for your poor keyboard! Don't worry, we can fix those sad little keys for you, everything will be fine, trust me! Here you go, this will make your keyboard feel better:
Keyboard Symbols Don't Work / Home Key opens Start Menu!! / Button Mappings! - Verizon - Install THIS CAB and Restart the phone! (Thanks Fronc for the ROM dump info)
LOL. People were critisizing me for answering too harshly, soooo, I guess that's what they wanted. Weird people!
Originally Posted by brownhornet
I get insufficient permissions when I try to install that new messenger... and yes I have messaging closed.
Do a soft reset, and then install it fresh off the reset.