Originally Posted by GeoffM
Well Nieghbor, (only 80 miles north  love the art and the Sprint Base gona try a Dusk theme on it and see what I break - seriously gj
EDIT: (Sense 2.1) - From the "Start" Menu there are 2 "Settings" links, Both take you to the Manila Settings Tab when it should take you Directly to the "All Settings" location (And 1 removed) - DigiCompass error's "Not a Valid PPC App" I understand this is part of the HD 2, 2.5 Manila Our TP2 dosen't have the Hardware I doulbt there is a Fix I would Remove the link asnothing's worse then an App that dosen't work and you won't get bugged about it- other then that it's Slick (Fast) and feature rich Nice work
digi compass has worked for me, and it's working right now on the 2.5 release (for me and my accomplice lol). I am aware of the double settings crap in the start menu of sense 2.1 I'm still in the process of ironing out the start menu and my initflashfiles and app.dats so gimmie a break. HTC Sense default settings are to take you to the manila settings tab from the start menu settings icon. :P Just disable sense and go with windows phone 6.5.1 and it'll link you to all the settings.