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Old 11-10-2009, 03:01 PM
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Re: Stuck , Stuck in the 1X land.

Verizon Users Getting Stuck in 1X --- PLEASE READ!
For those of you who have the plaguing problem of your data connection dropping to 1X, I'm trying to spearhead this issue with Verizon and need your help.

Everytime I open a ticket, it get's closed stating that it's a signal issue with a specific location. We all know that this is not the case. I finally have got ahold of a Tech supervisor who gave me all of his contact information so that we could ALL direct our issue to him. He would then get it elevated through the proper channels and then hopfully they can find a fix. It's my hope that we can all email or call him and explain our issue. He was very nice to work with on the phone and said he is dedicated to getting the problem resolved. I think he's looking at this from a global look rather than an isolated one like every other tech I've spoken to.

Here is his contact information:

Kevin Drakeford
843-566-8600 EXT 1789
Charleston, SC Call Center

Please email or call him with your information and make sure to inform him all of the steps that you've tried that have been unsuccessful (new phone, hard reset, etc etc).

I will try and follow up with him later in the week. Msg here if you contacted him. Hopefully we can get this fixed and be left with just an awesome working phone!
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