Originally Posted by a_c_s
Thx, made this reg edit and still get vibration on screen taps even after soft reset...is anybody else having this issue on Juicy? I've now changed two settings and made a reg edit, none of which appear to help. Any other overrides I can try?
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
see if start/settings/menu/all settings/system then touch options icon.
Originally Posted by a_c_s
yep, had tried that previously... the box is definintely unchecked... 
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
try checking it, mines checked but doesnt vibrate. lol im not kidding.
Perhaps it's carrier specific but I tried all of these options too, and can confirm that I was unable to turn off the phone app vibrate feature too.
EDIT: Okay, just catching up from the last pages I had bookmarked, and didn't see the following post. This one did the trick! Thanks.
Originally Posted by DavidMernin
To disable the phone keypad vibration try:
HKLM\Software\HTC\PHONE\PhoneExtendSetting\KeyPadVibration = 0