Originally Posted by ydoucare
At the rate this is progressing, I'll probably have a native Android phone by the time it's usable. 
I won the war against Sprint and there refurbished shot phones. I went though 4 diamonds and all 4 the vibrate failed. Finally talked to a manager at the Sprint store. I explained my issue and he gave me a choice. A brand new diamond or a hero. If chose the diamond I would have to drive back to the store in a day or so to pick up the phone.the store is 30 + miles from my house. Or I got the hero I would het it right then. So I went and played with the hero and got it. But... I do miss my diamond. The hero is better IMHO. But after all the tweaking and nodding I did on my diamond. I really loved that phone. But yeah... the problem with the Android diamond port is the lack of cdma development. I felt hopeless tryin to contribute. Almost no one had a clue or interest in helping any of the cdma users. Phh was really the only dev that would even really try to help me figure out what my kernel was missing. I can tell u if it tryin to use WiFi or any of the new features. ur gonna need a newer kernel then the one mrpippy posted. I've tried almost everything to get WiFi working with that kernel with no event. I had started going through the commits and checking the changes against the September 3rd commit that works. Maybe someone can go from there. Good luck guys