I still don't know what happened, but after having my phone for about a month, my battery changed over night. I went from barely getting through a day on a charge, to where I'm only charging it about every three days now. I changed NOTHING on it. I have bluetooth on all the time, I use S2U2, I text, talk and browse the internet. I use an average of 20% battery life per 18 hour day.
I know this doesn't help you much, but it shows there is either something in the programing, or the batteries themselves that is causing the drain. I wish I knew what it was I did, if it even was something I did to fix the battery life. I'm just thankfull it happened.
All I have done to the phone was load the flip clock, no curtains, task bar, and S2U2. I had all the exact same programs loaded before and after the change. I'm boggled.