Ok, but i have the icon for backlight and have always had it just as you have, although I don't have the option within the backlight preset for auto like you have in the pics. Thats why I was asking if it was a mod or not cause i have never seen this maybe its another SPB product that MS ties into (pocketplus?)
Originally Posted by CrozB
Thanks/ed for the cab
The back light is nothing special. Just go to Launcher > SPB Menu ? > Backlight (light bulb icon). It is not a widget, just a SPB feature (ok widget). It has been there since I have been running SPB, even in back when I ran PocketPlus. The "auto adjust" option seems to be ROM driven. So it is not a widget, but you can add a shortcut (ok widget) to the SPB home screen .
I am currently downloading the 11/9/09 version of HTC 2.1 and will flash and give feedback.