Originally Posted by j10376
I went to cyberon corp. web site and they have an ap called Cyberon Voice Commander. Why sprint does not use instead of there voice and speed dial. Has any one tested this app. How well does it work
Supported Platform
- Microsoft Windows Mobile
Features & Benefit
- Adopts Speaker-Independent (SI) voice recognition technology, no training required
- High reliability and accuracy
- Supports worldwide languages
- Supports bilingual recognition
- Supports BlueTooth earphones
- Voice control of name dial (Supports at least 1,500 contacts) / digit dial
- Voice control of contact query / phone dialer / shortcuts
- Voice control of Windows Media
- Integration with compact size TTS for command playback / SMS / E-mail / Calendar reader
- Highly noise robustness
Is anyone using this app & if so, would you rate it above MS Voice Command?