Originally Posted by raidzero
you just flash it separately like a radio.
but then I would have to reflash that pic everytime I made a ROM? Is there a way to cook a ROM with that already in it?
I've been trying to download WinCE Cab Manager for a few weeks now. Everytime I search or ask anyone about a cab editor Wince pulls up or that's what they tell me to use. When I try and install it, it says the installation/previous removal of the program was not completed. Please restart your computer to complete that installation. After restarting run setup again...... I don't remember having downloaded it before. I guess I must have at some point, but it's not listed in my programs list. There is no way to completely uninstall what's not there. Obviously restarting my comp. does nothing. I get the same message everytime. Anyone got any ideas?