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Old 11-09-2009, 05:43 PM
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Re: If you already rooted your hero

Originally Posted by quiqnezz View Post
Ok, I think you're having the same problem I was having as I didn't really know what the "recovery" image was. Turns out this is like the bootloader that is needed to do the backups/flashes/restores to the phone. Assuming you already rooted the phone you need the following..

Download and place that into the same directory you extracted asroot2.

Open up a command prompt and you should be in the directory where you extracted the recovery image. For example C:\android-sdk-windows-1.1_r1\tools, If not go there. Then type in the following:

adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img /sdcard/

Once that is done, type:
adb shell (or sudo ./adb shell in ubuntu). If your command prompt is a dollar sign then type in su and press enter. If it is a pound sign you are good. Then type in the following:

adb shell flash_image recovery recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img

Once that is finished you are done. To reboot into recovery type in adb shell reboot recovery. You should reboot into recovery mode. Or just turn off phone and power up while pressing home.

I had an issue copy the image to the SD card then running it. I think on page 3 in this thread is where people started having the same issue and trouble shot till it was resolved. So if you have the same issues read through the thread.
Ok, I rooted my phone using windows, but I really use Ubuntu most of the time. Is there a tutorial for rooting and removing apps from ubuntu? I am kind of a newbie to ubuntu but usually do alright. One thing Im not sure of is if my ubuntu pc loaded the correct drivers for the phone. How would I find out?

I found the tutorial on XDA doesn't go into real detail for Ubuntu. Thanks to anyone with info.
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