Originally Posted by mgdking
@mwrood Take a look at this thread. Is this 6.5 specific or is it for 6.1 as well?
well, this is kinda tricky...to be quite honest, im not 100% sure if its spicifically for 6.1 or 6.5...i tried all of the cabs and it seemed as though only 1 actually did anything (but i dont remember which one it was)...unfortunately none of them do anything to the top and bottom bar (like what u asked originally...if they did, i would be all over it but like i said, im pretty sure that making the top and bottom bars (not "curtains) clear can only be done n 6.5...i will make a suggestion for u tho...download spb backup...what i do, is get everything set up that i know is working correctly and have everything "perfect" so to speak, then i do a complete backup, and then u can try any and every cab u wish to and if it screws sumthing up just restore it to where everything was "perfect"....i also do a seperate backup for my contacts from time to time that way im always up to date on my contact list even if i restore from say, 2 months ago i can restore my most current contacts and be good...hope this helps...if u have any other questions PM and ill try to assist u as best as possible...as always, hit the thanks button if u found my info useful