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Old 11-09-2009, 02:35 PM
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Re: Any droid users have iphone/ipod touch experience?

well, the mail applications sucks on the droid. right out of the box, it doesn't even support attachments unless they are JPEGs. you can get around that by downloading Linda file manager and using the "send to" dropdown menu in it to attach files, but it's a pain. there are several more flaws to it along with a general crappiness you feel when using it. i actually preferred winmo's mail client. there are other clients you can download from the app store though. i've heard that K9 is supposed to be pretty good. not sure though.

on the other hand, the browser is excellent. i've never seen one quite so good on anything but the iphone/ipod. i think it's at least as good as the iphone/ipod's and probably better because of the droid's screen having a higher resolution. i have no trouble viewing the text of the entire page zoomed out. no pixelation and crystal-clear. there is some debate about the iphone having a faster browser, but i haven't seen any real proof of that. the only thing the iphone has over the droid is the multitouch pinch-to-zoom gesture. on the droid you have to double-tap to zoom. personally, i don't care about that, since i never had a chance to get used to that on the iphone, but some people are really turned off by that. of course, it's only a matter of time until we can enable multitouch on the droid, since the euro version already has it. on top of that, flash 10 is coming to android in the beginning of 2010, so we'll have the first fully-functional browser on a mobile device.
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