Looks like now that our phone has been rooted, we're better able to see what is actually happening. Some kind of corruption in the app install cache.
/data/boot-cache directory is corrupt
This may be a temporary fix, though I haven't had a chance to try it yet:
That is it, you use -r not -rf. So the fix is as follows (I use Astro for getting the following information):
1) Use Astro and backup all your apps to your SD card.
2) The Astro Application Manager/Backup tool will list in red all the apps that it thinks are newer on the SD card than the phone thinks are installed.
3) For each of those apps select them and note the app installed name (first line, called "Name"). Usually com.xxx.xxx, etc.
4) Get a root shell to your phone (follow instructions elsewhere.)
5) cd /data/boot-cache
6) For all the names you generated in step 3 type
e.g. taking Google Sky Map as an example this would be
rm -r *com.google.android.stardroid*
7) Reboot your phone.
All apps should now appear in their latest, correct, version.
Credit goes to gilroykilroy over at XDA.