Re: Happy Bday Vogue! (2yr today)
Sure is a great phone... in a ****ty plastic case!!! Seriously, though: just think of it...How much more would it cost to make it really rugged? And by the way, this is not a criticism of HTC, but the whole of the industry... Considering how much cell phones sell for, don't you think manufacturers could spend a few dollars more on plastic and maybe some rubber to make cells phones dust proof and at least, water resistant? Why is it one can manufacture throw away waterproof cameras for $20 yet cell phone companies can't be bothered spending 5% extra making cell phones decently rugged?
Anyway - you must be right: if most users consider existing cell phones 'solid', no wonder they aren't better built...
But like I said, this is not to say I don't love this phone... Quite the opposite!!! Just that it needs a lot of TLC to hold together for anyone who has a normal active life!!! Then again you could probably say the same things about laptops (although laptop solidity has improved significantly in the past decade, I admit...)
One question for you, horndoctor: what keyboard do you use? I use the stylus, maybe that's how I got these wear marks on my screen (to be honest they don't show much unless I clean the screen with alcohol, removing all the finger grease).