You guys wanna hear something funny ? LOL
Last nite I was gonna build the CDMA roms and upload them... well every single time I tried, htcrt.exe (the executable that actually puts together the different parts of the ROM in the final nbh file) crashed every single time. I was like WTH ??? htcrt never crashes! LOL Then I think to myself.. "Damn CDMA.. now I know why I hate CDMA so much... blah blah blah".
This morning I get a popup from windows saying I'm running out of disk space on drive C:. I look.. I got 20 megs left. DOH! No wonder the ROM woudlnt get built... no room for a 200 meg ROM. hehehe
So that said.. in a couple hours I'm uploading the CDMA ROMs, after I clean up some **** on the hard drive . hehe