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Old 11-28-2007, 01:23 PM
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Lightbulb WM6 voicemail application ?

Hi, I've been reviewing the WM6 API documentation and see that there's a few interesting functions under 'TAPI Line Device':
- lineHandoff,
- lineGetStatusMessages, &
- linePickup

Has anyone built, or considered building, an add-on to the Phone application which would act as an answering machine ? Would anyone be interested in working with me on this ? Are there any major technical problems to overcome (besides storage space) ?

I think there's probably at least 3 ways to architect this:
- by modifying the Phone application to perform a 'lineHandoff' after a configurable number of seconds to another application (this would be my prefered solution), or
- by creating a separate application to monitor line status messages for 'ring' and waiting a configurable number of seconds before answering.
- by creating a replacement Phone application which takes full control of all incoming calls and does a handoff to the current Phone application depending on configuration (this solution also has some interesting possibilities).

If anyone would like to pursue this further, please feel free to contact me either here, or at: or (in Vancouver, BC, Canada - that's on the west coast ) at 604-992-1424.