Originally Posted by sc00b4s7eve
Dude... You are a maniac!. Thanks for all the work on these.
btw, you seem pretty good at this, do you have any idea why Raidzero's XIP has several extra modules in it? I'm not familiar with them. Is it custom or just raw/untrimmed?
Thanks, and sorry about the extra folders in 23088 for those that were bitten... hehe.
I just love doing this stuff and giving back to the community of folks that helped me learn over past 2+ years; I started as a noobie too, and now I'm going to release a kitchen in coming weeks, but I'm moving to TP2, though I will try to support TP as best I can till I sell the device
AFA MSXIPKernel goes, I have seen module folder counts from 18 to 21, and have built ROMs from all, depending on HTC OEM folders and additional tweaks the chef makes to his kitchen, not all are successful for porting to Calk. I have found 18 or 19 module folders works universally, and Calks 19 modules folders is what I trim mine down to when I build.
I have successfully built ROMs with this kitchen and my modded version after deleting the following module folders:
COM5 builds seem to not need these modules at all, though I've been experimenting with keeping mencfilt.dll module in. It's too early to tell the effects yet, and I will likely have to research this module to find out what dependencies, if any, exist.
Update.1: Researching I found this snippet from a thread in which CMONEX says:
easiest is to just delete hd.dll and osaxstxxxxx.dll - they are the ones that require copyentries apart from kernel. (kernel copyentry isnt screwed up by xipport anyway.)
they are not needed for a booting kernel, just debug stuff afaik. so deleting is easy...
mencfilt.dll & encfilt.dll = storage card encrypting
So it is possible to delete mencfilt.dll if SD encryption is not required.