Originally Posted by rootlinux
Winmo and anyone else having corrupt ringer problems!
Try this, load mp3s onto sd card.
Use mp3trimmer to cut ringtone and asign it.
I have not tested so let me know if it works.
Will test this idea later.
Good night/morning. LOL
Originally Posted by winmonewbie
I may not be the best tester for this. My corrupt file error is even more random/less frequent than my ringer loss issue. IMO they are separate issues.
I think I only saw the corrupt file error once on 11-05. Ringer has been solid all day too.
I have trimmed MP3's loaded onto my card as I've been using that great program for awhile. So I did get issues (rare) with those already created files.
Just to be sure I created a new ringer just now, saved it to the folder. Went to Sounds and Notificaitons and set it as my default ringer no problem. Hope that gives you something useful.
Originally Posted by ThreeFaces
..Hey dude, disable touchflo when you mess with your ringer settings. Then, I think, you'll be ok...I'm not having this issue. I liken this to the old clock rolling back an hour issue, when you couldn't touch the clock or you'd screw up your settings. Don't mess with the ringers after you get them and see if that helps any.
I'll play around with my device and see if I can corrupt some of my custom jams.
Do the flash dance - flash a stock rom, hard reset, flash back to a custom rom, hard reset...you'll be fine. This happened ot me yesterday morning and has happened in the past. Stock flahses clear it right up.
...once I get the MAXX cab properly rocking and after a last few MMS tests, I'll post a new Guide. I'm working on it now...changing refernces to "TouchFlo" to "Sense". When it's posted, any feedback or additions would be greatly appreciated.  I think I got most of it.
Only issue Iam having so far with the 11/5 is the ringer issue, oh and my location still only works when I roam, BUT as I have always said...I haven't had it work on any ROM other than Calks and only when roaming as well so it is by no means ROM specific. Ringers though will work then won't, then will, then won't. I haven't got the corruption error yet...(beating on the door jam) Gonna try the shutting down TF3D....uhhhh Sense, and make the changes and see what happens. Keep my tones had no affect so far.
Thanks for all the work, as usual fellas as well as everyone else! Nice to see so many new avatars jumping in on the support side of things!
Good to be back, last two days were crazy

! Spent the last two hours catching up on the thread which was crazier yet! Crazy how two weeks ago this Manila2.5 was a dream most of us had discontinued, now we are manila 2.5 NRGized!!! Call this a beta all ya want, I have been running it since the drop, daily driver it is!! I loved the 10/28 "test" ROM as well, had a hard time leaving it!
Stay NRGized !!!