Originally Posted by Mr_wrong_0
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0.15650/812; U; en) Presto/2.2.0)
I really like it. You said there was a new version where can we download it from?
First post
Originally Posted by caballero600
Ouch... and if I copy the files of "archivos de programa" to "program files"... can solve the problem?
Ummm, I have just tried that but not working...óò
Download from first post,
Ahora trabaja con el español
Originally Posted by acidhax
Ah, Lookin' good! It is a little odd with 6.5.1, but, works. on my SQVGA, selecting
Calendar doesn't do anything,
Selecting Email opens Calendar,
I have to select the middle of Email and Phone to open Email,
And also selecting the middle of Phone and SMS to open Phone
and alas, SMS/MMS works just fine
Calendar is laggy and crappy, but it is all that is there for now until I get the widget SDK finished, or I have time to make a better one.
The coordinate bug for the home screen weather and notification widget is now fixed.