Originally Posted by Terencec
Question I noticed on the programs tab there are a few locked programs. When you click remove the lock symbol shows up in the corner. Anyway to remove the lock so I can remove them and yes this is probably a noob question.
P.S. I do not know why this rom doesn't get more burn. I have tried ever single manilla 6.5 rom out here for except that EmpiRom and this rom is by far the most stable error free rom with the best battery even better than Nfsfans out period. I am not a jock rider , its just is what is.
The above registry key is an example of one of the program launcher buttons. To, make it capable of being changed, you can change the "IsReadOnly" value from being 1 to 0 as it is above. Hope that helps!
To JD: I have been wondering for a long time: How did you get the AGPS working in Google Maps, in this ROM? o_O