Originally Posted by shred_head
now as for this work around for landscape text and emails,
text and emails do work without doing this,
if you do this new hardmapped key method, you'll go through the text windows, select someone, and the send button WILL be there in landscape mode, but as soon as you select in the text box or start typing it disappears....
so more then anything, this is some kind of work around for landscape Opera
good god, i can't wait till the official manilla 2.5 of energyrom rolls out, more excited for that then the berenstein bears movie coming out
and i LOVEEEEEEEEEE berenstein bears  
Not trying to be an a$$ but you are wrong.
Mapped text maps to winmo text method not tf3d.
The send key is always the left softkey.
I know what I am talking about.
Official Manila 2.5 still has no landscape because the device it came from doesn't have landscape.