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Old 11-08-2009, 02:29 AM
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Re: DROID on the 6th... whos staying WinMo?

Originally Posted by ahearn View Post
To those who love the Droid after having it a couple of days, please come back here later and tell us about how you like it after you really come to know it. If you decide to return it and go back to your Imagio or other WinMo device, let us know, and why you don't like it. We'll respect your honesty and gain from your experience.

I guess I'll be the first to chime in. First off, I like the imagio so much, I am keeping it and using it on another line. Secondlly the Droid is absolutelly wonderful! Just a background the WinMo devices I have had are Cingular 8125, Samsung I760, xv6800, Moto q, Motoq9c, omnia, touch pro, and imagio....I may have forgotten 1 in there I also have had Blackberrys Storm, and tour. I liked the customability of WinMo, and the stability (for the most part) of Blackberry's. The Droid is the best of both worlds! I have been running the droid HARD ever since i got it! IT HAS NEVER LAGGED! It is the most responsive phone I have had! Even better then my Touch Pro with SSK roms, and much better than the Imagio (wich will only get better with ROMS, kinda 1 reason i am holding onto it...) There are only 2 things I want from my Imagio, the software keyboard, and (lol) the lock software key at the bottom right of the Imagio screen. You have to hit the power button like all other WinMo phones to lock/unlock the phone. I got used to the convienent placement of the lock on the Imagio. Also I hear everyone talking bad about the hardware keyboard on the droid, but INMHO it is very good! The buttons are almost the same as the ones on my Touch Pro! If anyone here has used the Touch Pro keyboard, you have a good comparison, of course the Touch pro does have a 5th row of keys, but I am talking about the physical buttons. The screen is night and day difference compared to the Imagio, about the best I've seen. I'd give the call quality on the imagio about a 7, and the drois an 8 or 9, even through bluetooth! The number of good free apps available for the Droid through there marketplace is amazing! WinMo marketplace dosn't compare here either! The new Google Navigation is FANTASTIC! VZnav is a babys toy compared to it! The speach recognition for the destination (and many other things) works flawless for me! And there is no monthlly fee! It is free! I got the car dock, and it is better than my PNA. The Droid will be replacing my PNA, I am giving it to my Father! The speaker on the Droid is Very Very good, and has great volume, without distortion! You know how we all watch memory like a hawk with WinMo, no need with Android 2.0, it prioritizes memory, by closing nonpriority programs if it needs memory. And just so everyone knows, just looking at the mhz of the processors between the 2 is not a apples to apples comparason. You would think that the Droids 550mhz processor wouldn't be that much better than the Imagio's 528mhz processor. NOT SO!!!!!! Here is a quote about the 2 processors.

" The A8 processor is much faster than the ARM11. It's like comparing a pentium 4 CPU to a new Core i7. or if you use a mac, comparing an old powerPC mac to a newer intel mac. The CPU in the droid can just do so much more per cycle (Hertz) that just comparing the the frequencies is not an accurate picture, also the chipset has a seperate GPU which should handle all the rendering, freeing up the CPU cycles for even more other processing."

Thats why the Droid is so much faster! Any questions guys, let me know!
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