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Old 11-07-2009, 08:20 PM
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Re: 32GB Touch Pro 2 <<< Yes I did it again.

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
why not just carry 2 16gb microsd's around...?
Oh, I can answer that Q because a couple years ago I used to swap my 6 and 8 giggers. I'd keep one card in a USB adapter, the other in my phone. One evening I wanted to let a friend see a video that was on the card in my USB drive. So I proceeded to swap cards. They're quite tiny, as you know, and the lighting was not so good in the bar where we were sitting, table was a bit sticky too, etc. About 5 or 10 minutes later, I finally got the swap accomplished, or so I thought. My friend had almost forgotten that she asked to see the video, and worse, when I navigated to the storage card for the vid, I saw something like this!

The next day, by simply popping the card out and carefully easing it into place, all was well. But the vid did not get shown, arrgh.
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