Originally Posted by allamerican2302
So Like what about my custom MP3 Ringtones b/c im using that for the general ringer not the ringtones cooked in the Rom
Or is it my Ringers that are corrupt....
Ill try what you said
ADD: There is nothing in " My Ringtones " Folder in the " My Documents " Its Blank
Only on my Storage Card is there a " My Ringtones " Folder that has my custom Ringers that i made
OK, thanks for playing along with me. I've tried this with a few other people but havent gotten any feedback yet.
The blank folder could be a problem-dont know if ringtones are cooked in and therefore inaccessable. I dont
think so because I DONT have the Rhodium cab installed and My Documents/My Ringtone folder has files. I MAY have restored them there with one of my back ups but I dont think so. My storage card has a My Ringtones file with ALL the ringers and alerts.
I wrote the cab to put the files into My Documents/My Ringtones. I wrote it a few builds ago when the ROM had only about 5 options for ringers.
I'm 99% sure the system will pull files from both locations when you pull up your menus when looking for ringers but just in case-copy your custom MP3's over to My Documents/My Ringtones.
So when you install the cab there is a chance you may see duplicate file names-the corrupt ones, and the ones from the cab, hope not.
Hope I haven't confused you Bro, just trying to help ya out. Let me know how it goes.
Originally Posted by saf100792
i looked for the prl update but couldnt find it. Where is it?
You have a couple of options:
1) DL the Sprint carrier cab and it will put the Update PRL/PRI/Data Profile Icons onto your phone. There are also cabs that will install just the PRL/PRI update icons. Threefaces guide also has a step-by-step process on how to do it manually. All the cabs I mentioned are in the threads attached files which is linked in my sig
2) Dial *2. If you need an update the system may detect it and you'll get a message that Sprint is updating you to the latest Roaming package. If you dont get that message, wait for an operator and ask for an update. They will probably tell you to use the icons on your phone. But you dont have them since you are on a cooked ROM (Do Not tell them that-sorry if obvious but just wanted to make sure). Tell them that the icons dont seem to work and you get a "No update available" message but you'd like one anyway just to be sure since your reception has been acting weird the past three days. When they tell you to take out your battery and reset the phone tell them you knew they would say that and you already did it. (save you some time

) I usually call but that is just my preference since I want to install as few cabs as possible. You may think the cabs are the way to go. Hope that helps.
Allamerican-OK Bro, your last post has me thinking you need to do the Dance, but if this is your only issue, then I'd try the sound cab first as the Dance is a bit time consuming.