11-07-2009, 12:08 AM
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Re: |CR|6.5.1|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" (23081/21864) ★ |Oct 25| ★ Latest Manila 2.5
Originally Posted by yash181
Hello Newbee here, Can anyone Help me. I have Upgraded my HTC Pro 2 with Energy Rom Manilla 2.5. It's the most wonderful Application out there, thumbs up!! but every time i recieve SMS I'm unable to reply back the second time, My service provider is Sprint. The Device just Freezes up completely, and I have to restart, does anyone else had the same issue, If so please let me know what to do, Emails, and the apps work Perfectly.
The manilla 2.5 rom messaging is buggy due to the new HTC Messaging, It looks really nice and integrated the 23081 with manilla 2.1 and it should be fine