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Old 11-06-2009, 09:23 PM
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Re: (Homescreen) Touch One 0.1a - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA) - Download is Up!

Although I admit I haven't personally used spb mobile shell 3.5, and PointUI Home 2.0 (though i have seen many showcase videos) it seems this has to be the fastest UI i've ever seen for windows mobile... I have a htc touch pro 2, and as much eye candy as the manila 2.5 has(using energyrom 6.5) it's actual usability in my opinion is diminished because of it's lack of responsiveness and good layout. I personally hold a very high standard for device functionality which speed and responsiveness are major defining characteristics. I was getting fed up with the slowness of winmo phones (despite at the same time adoring them) before this year's flurry of new phones and even still. But a few software and the developer community gave me hope, s2u2's fluid slider unlocking, phonex actually immediately responsive interface. It should be possible then to actually make another shell that's just as fast, and it seems Touch One is heading in the right direction.

Now of course this is a fairly premature conjecture as this is just an alpha release with relatively low amount of features. It's almost expected that it should be this fast. I hope that as new features are introduced implemented the speed and stability will be unaffected.

FASTEST UI EVER, Just need the features, but hope doesn't slow down!

For some reason it becomes VERY VERY slow and choppy if i set this to start up on boot up and it just continues to be slow (moving between screens takes seconds.. choppy frames only see a few)
calender unresponsive??

Last edited by eatbuckshot; 11-06-2009 at 09:55 PM. Reason: video showcasing speed
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