OK, I'm not sure what's going on.
I did the flash dance before flashing the final version, hard reset after flashing. My battery is dying really fast!
I walked in to the office (8am) and by 12 I was at 30%. No apps installed, just sync'd it to my company's exchange server and gmail. I got similar performance on the sneak peak beta... Not sure why the battery life is so poor compared to others that are talking about 1/2 day of heavy use and having 60% battery let. I'd love some suggestions thrown my way. Thanks ahead of time!
Ohh, follow up question. What do I need to do to get pandora to continue playing after the screen turns off? It worked on earlier releases and on other ROMs, but not so on this release. I tried adding pandora.exe to the lumos exception list.
Thanks ahead of time!