Originally Posted by thadeus_d3
In case my last post wasn't in English:
Can anyone else vouch for the screen Ant-Glare screen protector? Is it truly Anti-fingerprint? I do not see anything about fingerprints mentioned on their website. I Obviously wasn't asking you *****.
I'm impartial on this little tirade thats going on, but I do want to point out that other people have also commented...
I also agree with jaytv on the PPCTechs Anti-Glare...it's really nice.
I'll third this opinion. I ordered it, and it does reduce glare. Fingerprints are virtually non-existant compared to the version that comes pre-packaged with the Touch. It's not as glossy and it has less of that smooth feel, but it's definitely a solid protector that fits great and works well. It does not mess with the touch screen sensitivity.