Originally Posted by cbreze
Thanks, I'm hip to bleeding edge.Lol. But I will try the photon on my way out the door. I was maybe under the wrong impression, but thought it was the beta not this one. Thanks for that tip.
no, the 21864 build of the photon ROM is not beta, rock solid. the 23xxx build is a beta build of windows mobile 6.5.1, but I've heard good things about it, not tried it myself though.
Originally Posted by arod23
nice work!!!!
I have a quick question and don't know if it was answered. Why every time I tried to set up my LIVE email account it's sending me to the hotmail site instead of sending the email to my phone? can this be fixed?
are you using the mail setup wizard to setup your live email account or are you using the live app/widget thing?