Originally Posted by yerp
tried the 11/05 build....flashed back to 10/25. am i the only one that finds 2.5 ugly?? the slider is off center, the icons in it are blah and overall it just doesn't fit right on our screens. weather on the homescreen is just about the only thing i liked about it. it looks awesome on a bigger screen....maybe if it gets fully ported i'll have a change of heart, but it is a looooong ways away from that.....hopefully NRG will give us 2.1 builds still, or i'm just gonna switch to his titanium only roms.
on a side note, I tried one of the "TellMe" roms and it is pretty slick....hopefully we get that added in the future as well.
I agree with you on this one. I actually hate the recent icons of 6.5.1. I believe 10/25 still has them. I was actually thinking about going back to the Last September release with 6.5 NRG icons. I love the weather on the home screen and I love the Twitter integration on the Sense UI in 2.5 but it totally isn't worth the hassle.