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Old 11-06-2009, 07:45 AM
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Re: brand new touch pro 2 verizon owner...what should I do to it to make it run great

I'm also a VZW TP2 user, and this was my first WM smartphone.

My recommendation is to stick with the stock rom.

Most custom roms (or "cooked" as they're called here) are not very stable. Some of them randomly crash which requires a soft reset. I've had to do it about once a day. Most of the tweaks in the new roms are mostly on the aesthetic side anyway, and add very little functionality - and most of the new features can be attained with custom cabs.

Also, keep in mind that if you're a subscriber to VZ navigator, it won't work on a custom rom. AFAIK, there isn't a custom cab to install it.
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