Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins
I believe the alignment pix you posted are the same....that is very minor, try not to let it bother you, lol.
Strange situation here, even after several reboots it was doing it but then all the sudden after one restart it was aligned ok. But soon after my phone just started rebooting and generally not working. I don't think it was your ROM, more likely something I installed on top of it. I went ahead and flashed to the latest version you posted and it seems to have fixed it.
Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins
I use PIM backup, which is included in the rom.
Well I'm not worried about my contacts or any of that because I use google sync and that's the easiest part. I was more interesting in not having to reinstall some of the essential apps I use, like Sling Player and a few others. I will probably experiment with using a backup next time, but I needed a clean flash this time.