Originally Posted by kern417
my RAM doesn't go down automatically. what do you mean by freeing up RAM? i have to use a seperate software to do that periodically (cleanRAM)
He means that the memory manager will properly expire/dirty unused pages and allow them to be swapped out when those pages are needed.
Proper caching (and even precaching) can be quite helpful in speeding up application loading/performance, but you do need a memory manager that will allow the appropriate amount of memory to be freed when needed, especially for applications with large footprints. If the memory manager doesn't allow this precached memory to be freed when not used or needed or doesn't free enough you'll see OOM errors.
This appears to be what HTC wanted to do with ResProxy - allow the precaching/caching or resources - but people reported that they were getting OOM errors when the memory usage climbed too high.
Originally Posted by Malatesta
Fact is, a system with 15mb of free RAM will perform the same as a device with 100mb of free RAM, makes no difference.
Well it will assuming you don't load something that needs > 15 MB of RAM, but the point is 100% correct. Assuming enough memory is free to load the application in question having N free or 10N free makes no difference from a speed perspective. Only when the memory has to become actively managed (pages dirtied and swapped to disk or swapped out and replaced) would you see a slow down.
Originally Posted by Malatesta
Confession: I don't manage my memory. I don't use "free ram" tools and never look at how much I have. This is non-sense and a waste of users time, imo.
That's why I jam up my glyphcache and system cache sizes--they eat RAM but make the OS zippier. I can care less about RAM.
100% agree here - I'd rather have a snappier performance for day to day use - I also don't run out of memory. I don't know what everyone is loading but it's clearly a lot more than I use - from the above post it appears "games" is the answer. Euchre isn't very taxing on the old memory it seems