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Old 11-05-2009, 04:58 PM
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Re: Are we sure it's a bad thing when RAM usage goes up?

Originally Posted by kern417 View Post
my RAM doesn't go down automatically. what do you mean by freeing up RAM? i have to use a seperate software to do that periodically (cleanRAM)
Sure it does, you just don't let it get low enough.

WM6.x has RAM management built in: when it reaches a certain threshold, it shuts down programs based on a priority system--so things like Outlook are high priority and rarely will be shut down, over say a dialog screen or Settings.

This threshold value and memory level are changeable I believe via the registry.

To the OP: I agree. People put way, way, way too much emphasis on "free RAM".

Fact is, a system with 15mb of free RAM will perform the same as a device with 100mb of free RAM, makes no difference. I've run the Treo Pro with 38mb of free RAM on boot and WM6.5--fast as ever and you don't notice it. Sure, if you run Opera Mobile, Skype, TwitToday, etc. more RAM is better. But even then, the system itself does not perform any faster.

Confession: I don't manage my memory. I don't use "free ram" tools and never look at how much I have. This is non-sense and a waste of users time, imo. Especially with WM6.5 which has more VM and better memory management.

Now on custom ROMs, sometimes it is nice to know, only because you want to know what is running in the background--after all, background programs and processes take up RAM and CPU cycles. But if it is due to physical RAM or what the OS allots and not background apps, then the actual amount is trivial to the user experience.

That's why I jam up my glyphcache and system cache sizes--they eat RAM but make the OS zippier. I can care less about RAM.

Last edited by Malatesta; 11-05-2009 at 05:03 PM.
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