Originally Posted by jwbmmqtg
Some issues to work on:
1. Under settings > Other settings, when selected you see a white window with nothing in it. The phone gets disabled and you have to hard reset.
2. Youtube is missing (not important but nice feature to me)
3. the battery life sucks. Doesnt last over night. You are doing a great job. However, there are some totally essential features that must work. Battery life is one of them. No battery no phone. It doesn't matter how wonderful the phone and software are.
Best Regards
1. This screen???

on both the 11/2 and 11/3 builds it's worked without problem for me...
2. Youtube works through Opera on this build, huzzah!
3. Yes, give it a couple days, flashing your phone screws with the battery for some reason. I have amazing battery life now though 2 days of heavy use and it's still at 50%. Just give it a chance...
Originally Posted by Ljayhova
Everytime I try and extract the .nbh file I get an error saying the file is corrupt in winrar anyone know why this is? I've downloaded twice.
Very odd, do you have enough disk space??? Maybe try and extract it with 7zip...