Originally Posted by zim2704
I bought a couple BB pearls 2nd hand just to see what they were all about and now I believe that BB is going to be my next new phone unless something big comes from WM or possibly Android. The pearls I have last all day without a charge and like you said "just work". the 3.5mm jack is great because i love to stream music while driving.
I re-activated my Diamond because i missed Opera mobile for web surfing while in a training class and now i'm absolutely ripping my hair out dealing with the small quirks that i had learned to deal with. Definately going to start using my BB again and hope to upgrade to a better model with more memory in the near future....maybe the Storm 2?....guess that's what the 30-day trial is.
Go to Opera's main site they have out Opera 5 Mimi Beta out for the Blackberry. I downloaded it on my Tour and it works fine. The only thing that stinks about it is if you are typing a text or reply to someone and have to delete a letter it deletes EVERYTHING you just typed.