Re: Anyone even care anymore about updating Stock Rom?
I respect your opinions...but as Sprint should know NOT to put too much faith in Sprint.
Sprint and for the that matter Verizon had a shot at the iPhone before Apple took it to AT&T...hmmmm
Sprint released the Instink...took about 3 generations to get that completely right (the initial update to that firmware took them MONTHs...and even then the updates "us" users at the time was looking for wasn't there.)
Sprint is holding out on the Diamond2...we may never see that phone.
Sprint got into Android with Hero...and now the Samsung Moment...when Verizon is ready to release a WHOLE LINE of Android devices.
the Palm Pre was supposed to be Sprints great device...did I just hear that phone fizzle out??
Bottomline is you should not put so much faith in Sprint. Most of us come here for tech support as opposed to calling them or going to their stores...does that tell YOU something??