Originally Posted by CFay
Can someone do me a favor and make me a list a bugs/changes you all want implemented on the next release that have been requested so I can get working on it tonight. It will be worth it for the person who does a thorough job.
That pesky SetSysTimeZone or whatever it is pops up every time I soft reset.
TellMe doesn't work with your ROM but does work with Mighty's.
Also, I've uploaded some other cabs that I install to make things work a little better for me. The Opera fix adds the amount of tabs you can have open along with some other speed improvements. The Reply2AllReplyFix seems to fix an issue where when I would hit reply to all it would also send me the email. But it does remove Reply All from the default left soft key function and I would still like that there. That last one might just be a preference thing for me though.
Overall this has been an amazing ROM so far man. Very impressive work. I've used MightyROM and EnergyROM previously on my Touch Pro and tried those first on my TP2 but I'm liking yours the most! Keep up the good work.