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Old 11-05-2009, 09:59 AM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23504+mortscript 4.3β ~160MB free


I have been struggling with the H1N1 so I do apologize for not being able to assist/update.

V23504_V2 is up

New in this version:

* Have been using this for a few days, very stable and very fast
* Due to popular demand, I have taken out the animated on/off along with the on/off sounds. Now, after you flash there will be no sound/animation until the welcome screen is up.
* Black theme. Once you change it it ain't coming back- but you can use m.carrol's black theme from post 2
* 8MB pagepool, 164/173 Free MB
* I have lioryte Base on the today screen, if you want it off, use THIS .cab file I've made, install to device memory.
* Only WM icons on dialer and call history (Thanks BW&WoZZeR)

Last edited by lioryte; 11-05-2009 at 11:27 AM.
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